
A Guide to Fighting Street Harassment: How Bystanders Can Best Intervene on Behalf of Women Being Harassed
Street harassment in the Bay Area has gotten so bad that women are putting duct tape on their mouths, removing their clothes in public and holding silent protests with signs recounting the ugly and awful remarks male aggressors make to them on an everyday basis. Here we see a recent

Etiquette for Using Slurs in a Post-Trannyshack World
Trannyshack flyer from 2010, redaction added My everyday casual slur use was rocked with the recent name change of the drag club formerly known as Trannyshack. Wait, a word that so adorably rhymes with “granny” has negative associations and is considered part of the hate speech vernacular? It’s not okay

A Broke-Ass Guide to Cost-Efficiently Giving Yourself Lung Cancer
Thanks to our cigarette-smoking president, cigarette smoking has gotten a lot pricier in the last few years. Although I suspect the prez is being kinda paternal (“don’t do what I did, America”) in projecting his nicotine-guilt upon us, it is helping people quit. But SOME of us (me) just don’t want to.

Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Cost-Efficiently Giving Yourself Lung Cancer
Thanks to our cigarette-smoking president, cigarette smoking has gotten a lot pricier in the last few years. Although I suspect the prez is being kinda paternal (“don’t do what I did, America”) in projecting his nicotine-guilt upon us, it is helping people quit. But SOME of us (me) just don’t

Full Disclosure: I Was Raped
I can’t tell if I’m waking up or just going to sleep. My drunken stupor has muffled my senses, each coming in and out of focus in a kaleidoscope of sound and touch. I slowly begin to ascend the tiers of sobriety, and as I do, my senses return. There

How to have an epic Broke-Ass Valentine’s Day
They say that Valentine’s Day started to celebrate Saint Valentine of Rome, martyred in 269 AD, then became a sensation in 1797 when a British publisher issued romantic verses for young lovers…

The Best Thing Ever: Snail Mail
The other day, I received a plain envelope in the mail. I wasn’t expecting it, and was perplexed as to what it could possibly be. The return address was from one “Crystal Skull” in Chicago. “Crystal? Who the hell is Crystal? I don’t know any ‘Crystal’ in Chicago,” I thought