
Bullsh*t-Free Job Search Advice
I seem to have careers on the brain lately. I’ve applied for a lot of jobs and I’ve also hired a lot of people in my life, so I know all the bullshit that happens. The job search is a game, but unfortunately, we all need to play. The thing

Smells on the Chinatown Bus
It’s kind of insane that after 25 years as a broke-ass, I had never taken the Chinatown bus until last weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I adore budget travel– I’ve been cramped on overnight buses in Portugal, watched a boy floss his teeth with twine as he sat across from

The Myth of the Dream Job
Some of you are broke because you are waiting for your dream job to come along. Or, you may be broke BECAUSE you are in your dream job, and the money doesn’t matter. Congratulations, you’ve achieved something that so many of us pine for daily. I know this is

Getting Stood Up at a Taco Truck
In honor of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about love. The happiness, the longing gazes, the tender moments shared. And sometimes: the drama, the emotional rollercoaster ride, the letdowns. Almost everyone has been in an intense relationship with someone who is Simply Not Good For Them, including myself. Except,

A Broke-Ass Guide to Doing Your Own PR
This bit of advice comes from the lovely Joanna Riedl who is a fashion and lifestyle publicist. These days, everyone is like out there – whether you want to be or not – thanks to the transparency of social media, mobile connectivity and the general entrepreneurial spirit of our generation. Seems

How to Get Over Your Seasonal Affective Disorder and Pretend Like It’s Always Summer
I know that NYC hasn’t been disgustingly cold this season, but someone’s still got the wintertime blues (that “someone” is me). This time of year, I always turn into a humongous B– cackling at any poor soul who dares approach me as I perform my cold weather rituals of swaddling

Celebrating Two Years in New York City: A Look Back at the Time I Got Punched on the Subway
Not to get all promote-y or anything, but in Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply in New York City (read it!), he compares NYC to a girl who you constantly chase, but is ultimately out of your league. I totally get this statement, but for me, New York City is