Amy Farah Weiss

Ending SF’s Street Homelessness Crisis with Safe Organized Spaces
This came through today from Amy Farah Weiss. It’s a great cause and sounds like it will be a wonderful event. I’ll let her explain it below: Over 400 San Francisco residents have signed the SOS petition. What unites us? – We believe that everybody’s needs matter. – We believe that

Meet the Mayoral Candidates in Noe Valley
The Noe Valley Democratic Club is throwing itself into the fray of the SF Mayor’s race this evening by having a very public “Meet the Candidates” event in Noe Valley Town Square. During elections Democratic Clubs all over SF hold these events to decide which candidates they are going to

Weiss for Mayor/Vote 1-2-3 for Equity Campaign Launch Event
This press release came across my desk so I figured I’d share it with you all. Amy is just one of the eight people running for Mayor of San Francisco in this 2018 special election. This races will be fascinating. Join Mayoral candidate Amy Farah Weiss on January 28th

We have FREE VIP Tickets to The Roast of Broke-Ass Stuart @ Doc’s Lab!
The Kinda Late Show is back! After taking time off while Stuart ran for mayor, we are ending the year by roasting that jackass for his birthday. Use the above photo for much ammunition. Winner receives a reserved table up close and personal for the incredible line-up! Sister Roma (Sisters of

San Francisco’s Mayor’s Race Needs to be More than Just a “Cakewalk”
Since I have a big, loud, obnoxious voice in The Bay Area, I figured I’d lend it to my fellow mayoral candidates who also want to see Ed Lee dethroned. Not everyone has the millions of dollars that Lee has or the reach that I do, so it’s only fair to