
01 Feb 2012

How to Get Over Your Seasonal Affective Disorder and Pretend Like It’s Always Summer

I know that NYC hasn’t been disgustingly cold this season, but someone’s still got the wintertime blues (that “someone” is me). This time of year, I always turn into a humongous B– cackling at any poor soul who dares approach me as I perform my cold weather rituals of swaddling

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
23 Jan 2012

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros. In restaurants, it’s the brunch dish I have yet to pronounce with obvious hesitation. At home, it’s a way for me to eat nachos for breakfast without feeling like some kind of man child. But in both instances, it’s always one of the best decisions I’ve made all

Jill S. 0
20 Jan 2012

Three Cleanses that will Clean Up Your Act, and Not Clean Out Your Wallet

So you are trying to stay “clean” after all the partying that went down over the holidays, right? There are a ton of cleanses and detoxes out there – but which ones can you afford? Try these three versions that are broke-ass friendly: The Master Cleanse The Master Cleanse, or

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
11 Jan 2012

Why Slumber Parties Aren’t Just for Kids

Adult slumber parties are pretty much the best thing ever.  No, not those type of adult slumber parties– the slumber parties I’m talking about involve much more dorky jammies, and much less threat of unwanted pregnancy.  I’m talkin’ about old-school, “let’s do makeovers and watch Molly Ringwald movies and try

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
01 Dec 2011

Fresh and Easy – More Like Fresh and Awesome

… actually this market is Fresh Easy, and Awesome. Alright so I know this place is a chain and because of that it will never gain quite the acclaim of some of the other rad corner markets we have strewn about our city but I love this place.  I like

Hugh Hunter - Economical Essayist 0
30 Nov 2011

The Perks of Being a Bilingual Broke-Ass

 I want to be bilingual, for a variety of reasons.  Personally, I don’t like feeling like such an “ugly American” when rubbing elbows with the international crew that comes along with dating a well-traveled half-Brazilian.  Being able to speak another language would make me seem more worldly in front of

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
28 Nov 2011

Cheap Chinese, Pizza and Free Mimosas at Punjab Restaurant

Crappy Chinese food is a weakness of mine. Since I also love authentic, well-made Chinese cuisines, this fact usually fills me with shame. That is until I think of the many Mexicans I have known throughout my life that eat Taco Bell like it’s manna coming down in a rain

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0