Chicken and Waffles

No, Their Not Waiting for Brunch, They’re Waiting for the Symphony!
This post is supported by the SF Symphony. Wanna support a post on the site? Holler at Usually when you see a line stretching around the block in San Francisco it means one thing: brunch. Whether it’s at Mama’s, Mission Beach Cafe, Zazie, Brenda’s, Dottie’s, or one of the

Bok Ssam: Big Headed Chicken and Waffles
I suppose there periodically come times in everyone’s life when they’re forced to ask themselves, “Is this necessary?” When you’re arguing with your significant other on the Muni over which band you’ll see together at Hardly Strictly. When you’re forced to bee line around a group of sidewalk-hoggers in the

The Architect’s Kitchen: Blueprints for Fried Chicken and Doughnuts?
Some people say that you can create romance by highlighting your environment; a sort of curb appeal. Although there’s nothing romantic about eating in a parking lot, there have been moments when the food you’re consuming transforms you elsewhere. The Architect’s Kitchen, a one-year old truck that’s building and serving

Hot Sauce and Panko
Now that I may have worn out my welcome at Shanghai Dumpling King thanks to a overly rowdy birthday party (one attendee was dressed as a handjob), the news that similarly cheap Outer Richmond restaurant was opening sounded like manna from heaven. The fact that it would be serving chicken

Eat Your Soul Out for $10 at Gussie's
What’s sweet, savory and crunchy all over? That’s right, chicken and waffles with maple syrup. For those of you dying to take it to the next level above dipping your bacon in your syrup, try a crispy-fried chicken breast on top of a golden waffle smothered in hot, sticky syrup.