DNA Lounge

Summer Art Openings, Parties, & Pride
Start your summer off right in San Francisco with these art events, openings, and parties– there are sexy burlesque performances, exciting shows from LA-based artists, and tons of opportunities to support local creative spaces. Here are some of the team at Broke-Ass Stuart’s best art recommendations for June: THE GREATEST

Favorite SF Homeless Man Killed in Hit & Run
Make sure to read to the bottom to find out about the memorial for Modesto There’s a good chance Modesto Figuerido was sleeping on the sidewalk in SoMa before you even lived in San Francisco. A staple of the 11th and Folsom area for over 2o years, Modesto looked like a a

Tips For a Goth Night Out At Death Guild in SF
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY BENDER’S BECAUSE THEY ARE BADASS. DROP BY AND MAKE SOME BAD DECISIONS WITH SOME GOOD PEOPLE! By Kelly O’Grady Do you like spinning invisible orbs? Are you repelled by the light of day? Do you refer to anyone that doesn’t wear black 24/7 as a “Normo”? Do you

We Wanna Send you to SF Docfest Opening Night Film & Beerfest
SF DocFest OPENING NIGHT FILM presented by SF IndieFest! This is going to be super fun, opening night with delicious beers, pizza, music, and a great film all going off in the Mission, SF! In 1998 there were less than 1,500 breweries in the United States – now there are

San Francisco’s Famous Weirdness Isn’t Dead
This originally appeared in my Broke-Ass City column for the San Francisco Examiner. The event described is actually happening again this Monday. Get your tickets here. I’m pretty vanilla. I mean, not for the mainstream, but by San Francisco standards, I’m not very kinky. I don’t need you to dress

DNA Lounge Kicks Off Band for Being Virulent Misogynists
This came across my Facebook feed over the weekend and I figured it was something I had to share. Hosting everything from clown burlesque shows to underground amateur wrestling to the longest running goth party in the nation the DNA Lounge is an integral part of keeping San Francisco strange.

Win a Pair of Tix: The Limousines + Twin Shadow @ DNA Lounge!
Join the folks of DNA lounge as they welcome SF’s own Indie-Electric duo The Limousines. Together they share the stage with Twin Shadow, both doing a DJ set. But, sure to ENTER BELOW, you only have 5 days!