
The Pleasures and Pains of Having a Dog in San Francisco
This originally appeared in my Broke-Ass City column in the San Francisco Examiner I’ve got a pretty fantastic living situation. Solid rent control, great roommates, centrally located. Sure we don’t have a living room, but we do have a washer and dryer, and yes, it’s as amazing as you’d think.

Boozehound: 3 Dog Friendly Bars on San Pablo Avenue
Dogs and alcohol–what better combination exists to dull the pain? Luckily, there are bars scattered throughout the East Bay that welcome your Fido on a Friday night. Glug some top-notch hooch with the pooch, and chase it with the hair of the dog at these three canine-friendly bars for bar-friendly

BAS Poetry: Animals by Taylor Melligan
Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. Well, that was a doozy of a couple of months, but I’m back with a special two part feature of poetry by fellow San Franciscan, Taylor Melligan. These two

First Date Advice from Fashionable Dogs in SF
First dates can be tricky. You’re never 100% sure how to act or what to wear, that’s why we asked some of the best dressed dogs in the city for their advice when it comes to first dates in San Francisco. Lisa: “Be Open Minded!” We ran into Lisa at

Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes for Your Dog
Fact: the only thing better than a dog, is one in costume. Unfortunately they don’t always agree. Couple this with the fact that store-bought, pet costumes are often expensive, it makes sense to make your own.

I Set Up My OKCupid Profile, as a Dog: The Responses Were Pretty Hilarious
Last February I started an OKCupid profile as a chocolate labrador named ‘Waffles’. The profile was received with mixed reviews. Some said I was an innovator, some said I was a fraud, some wanted to scratch behind my ears, but OKCupid said “One or more of your photos was flagged

Rescue Row: The Officially Official Pet Rescue City Block
I grew up in a house with three indoor cats (two rescued ferals + one neighbor abandoned) and two outdoor ferals. Eventually we also rescued a Golden Labrador, Beau, from the same aforementioned neighbor. They decided to move and leave the dog behind in the front yard with no access