Election 2018

Elections Hit the Bay, Trump Hit the Russia Investigation, Another Shooting and a Man Who Should Not Be Forgotten
This is your special edition weekly news wrap for the Bay and beyond, bringing you local election results, the story of a man who should not forgotten, some pretty important stories that popped up in the just the last 24 hours and a couple ideas of how you can shake

Meet the Mayoral Candidates in Noe Valley
The Noe Valley Democratic Club is throwing itself into the fray of the SF Mayor’s race this evening by having a very public “Meet the Candidates” event in Noe Valley Town Square. During elections Democratic Clubs all over SF hold these events to decide which candidates they are going to

Amy Farrah Weiss Announces She’s Running for SF Mayor
Amy Farrah Weiss just announced that she is officially running for mayor of San Francisco. If you recall Amy, Francisco Herrera, and I ran on a ticket of 1-2-3 to Replace Ed Lee in 2015. The idea behind it was that with ranked choice voting one of us could actually