flea market

Discover new treasures at the Treasure Island Flea Market
I’ve been going to flea markets since I was a wee-little one. That’s where my parents used to buy me my shit load of My Little Ponies I collected. We’d buy used CDs, DVDs, and books; new hair and face products for really cheap; sometimes I’d even buy old purses

Hillwide Garage Sale in Bernal Heights this Saturday
Never seem to have to time to make it out to Bernal Heights? Now you have a good reason to get out there. This Saturday, August 13th, the entire Hill becomes one gigantic flea-market as all inhabitants living there are welcome to sell their unwanted treasures. This once-a-year neighborhood-wide flea

Laney College Flea Market: This and Every Sunday
It’s Sunday morning, and you don’t want to leave your bed until at least 11:30 (it’s out of principle). But then you’re struck by the primal urge to forage through clumps of tangled trinkets while being subjected to Raggaeton and a guy playing whatever the hell this thing is. That’s