glide memorial church

How to Help Glide Memorial Church For Thanksgiving
San Francisco’s most uplifting Thanksgiving tradition is Glide Memorial Church serving more than 5,000 Turkey Day meals to people in need, and Glide is on a last-minute blitz to prepare the hundreds of turkeys and hams, 1,500 pounds of potatoes, 950 pounds of fresh vegetables, and 312 gallons of stuffing

What it’s Like Being a Black Gentrifier
Guest post by LeRon L. Barton The story of San Francisco today can be summed up in three words: Housing, Displacement, and Gentrification. The removal of people from their homes, the loss of local business, the reimaging of neighborhoods, and the destruction of community is the number one issue with

How You Can Help Save Glide Memorial Church
Glide Memorial Church is at the center of a power struggle with the United Methodist Church that threatens to undermine Glide’s efforts to serve the needy, provide 700,000 free meals a year to the hungry, deliver family, HIV, and healthcare services, and of course hold their immensely popular Sunday Celebrations