
Keepin’ It Cool In Oakland – For Cheap
August is here, and across America it is the deepest, hottest part of the summer. The part of summer where you are sweatin’ in your skivvies and praying for winter. The Bay Area isn’t that part of the country. Instead, we shiver in the chilly fog and turn our eyes

FREE Ice Skating All Day Today in Union Square
Hey! I’m slammed right now so only have time to cut and paste this shit but here it is. It’s hella branded by Celebrity Cruise lines and Alaska Airlines, almost to a ridiculous extent, but they’re the folks footing the bill for you to get your skate on. Regardless, here

FREE Ice Skating at the Embarcadero Center for Giants Fans
Looking to impress your significant other with a chickflick-style date night this week? Well, you’re in luck, because the yearly holiday Embarcadero Ice Rink opens today in Justin Herman Plaza and while regular admission tickets are usually $9, this Friday is Giants Night – which means anyone in Giants gear