iphone 6

30 Sep 2014

Funny Translations of Tech News

Just because you get the news about all the wonderful things happening in technology, doesn’t mean you know what the fuck it means. Luckily, we break it down for  you, in a hilarious manner, so your friends think you’re smart and know stuff. The Tech News:  Tim Ferriss has received $1.2 million

Rachel Balik - Low-Brow Luminary 0
12 Sep 2014

Apple Stops ‘Thinking Different’ and Starts ‘Thinking Bigger’ with iPhone 6

“Bigger than bigger” is Apple’s new iPhone 6 slogan. One can almost hear a bro-programmer saying “That’s like…BIGGER SQUARED!  BIGGER to the fourth power…BRO!” But when calmer heads prevail we see a play on words, ie “bigger” in terms of literal size “my Hummer is bigger than your Prius” and then there’s conceptually “bigger”

11 Sep 2014

Why You Should NOT Buy an iPhone 6

There is a new iPhone out, for no better reason than it is September and Apple puts out a new iPhone every September regardless…

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