jack kerouac

Check Out SF’s Pop-Up Cultural History Museum
In the near future there will be a brand new museum in town called the San Francisco Cultural History Museum. Given the name, you can probably ascertain that it’s a museum dedicated the cultural history of San Francisco…Duh. While there’s no set date on when it will open its door,

The SF ‘Beatnik Bash’ Walking Tour
This post was made possible by the fine people at Gloql. We’ll be making dope Bay Area experiences with them all summer. You come to BrokeAssStuart.com because you love and appreciate our take on the city. You know that we know San Francisco better than anyone else and we’ve got insider knowledge

Just shut up and write already! – National Novel Writing Month
By reading this site, you likely are always looking for awesome ways to live your life, so you have a story that needs to be told. But maybe you never imagined writing a book, or never thought you could. Listen, if Snooki can “write” a book, so can you. It

Follow the Beat: Beat Generation Archivist Rediscovers America
Get your snapping fingers ready and your Jack Kerouac boners up (I know you have them): Author Bill Morgan is gonna take us across this great nation of ours as only the Beatniks saw it tonight at the San Francisco Public Library! I don’t understand the Allen Ginsberg phenomenon (read: