James Franco

Coming to Terms with Your Daddy Issues
Okay, actually, I mean my daddy issues. And I don’t mean all of that psychological hoo-ha about abandonment and male authority figures or whatever. I’m talking about having the hots for guys in khakis and Hawaiian shirts. As soon as I see a strapping twentysomething in the same outfit that

Make a Movie With James Franco!
Okay, guys. Truth be told, I don’t really want to share this with you. Why? Well, I’m about to talk about a drawing. A drawing I really, really want to win. And statistically, the less people that enter the drawing, the better my odds are of winning. All right, I

James Franco + Art + Two movies for the price of one = FUN
I don’t know about you bitches but I like fun, and tomorrow there is a mathematical certainty of fun happening at the Castro Theater (isn’t there always?!). The artist Carter has teamed up with Hotty McHotterson James Franco and made an aptly title film Erased James Franco. The movie is