kinky salon

How to Get a High Fashion Face Mask, Or Make A Mask Yourself
Wearing a mask is now mandatory in New York state. Essential businesses can refuse you service in Los Angeles if you don’t have a mask on, and Sonoma County also declared you need to be wearing a mask if you leave the house. Pressure is building on SF and Mayor

How To Watch The Hunky Jesus Contest Online And Other Rad Livestreams
The Hunky Jesus Contest is happening online for Easter Sunday, and a whole bunch of your other favorite weekly events and parties are providing online streaming alternatives too. There are gobs of Bay Area artists creating awesome streaming content and putting on shows this weekend, we’ve listed a shit-ton of

‘Polly: Sex Culture Revolutionary’ memoir launches with a bang Sunday at CSC
The newly released book “Polly” is a true ‘memoir for the boudoir’, detailing the fast times, debauched morals and life story of Kinky Salon and the creative superstar behind San Francisco’s favorite and longest-lasting sex party. The book rolls out Sunday night at the Center for Sex and Culture event Sex Culture Revolution with Polly