
Beautiful Women in Bookstores: Sonia
Beautiful Women in Bookstores is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a celebration of reading, intelligence, independent bookstores, and of course, beautiful women. In a time when bookstores seem to be disappearing this is our effort to show how sexy books and reading really are.

How to Navigate Your Job’s Holiday Party Without Completely Embarrassing Yourself
I attended my office holiday party last week– at a bar, at 2pm, glad to leave work 3 hours early. I work in a business casual environment, and– as I mentioned before– am not close friends with anyone in my office. In fact, I’m 89% sure that they all think

The Perks of Being a Bilingual Broke-Ass
I want to be bilingual, for a variety of reasons. Personally, I don’t like feeling like such an “ugly American” when rubbing elbows with the international crew that comes along with dating a well-traveled half-Brazilian. Being able to speak another language would make me seem more worldly in front of