Make Out Room
Come to My Jewish Xmas Party!
Heeb or not, you are cordially invited to spend the holidays in the company of the “chosen” people…chosen to be alienated and bored stiff when everything is closed on Christmas, that is! Except this year, we’re doing something about it…come down to the Make-Out Room on Tuesday, December 25th to:
I’m Hosting a Jewish Christmas Party on Christmas Day and You’re Invited!
There will be Strip Dreidel. Yup you read that right…well there should be. I don’t recall if it worked out last year, but I’m really gonna push for it this year. Heeb or not, you are cordially invited to spend Christmas in the company of the “chosen” people…chosen to be
I’m Hosting a Jewish Christmas Party on Christmas Day
There will be Strip Dreidel. Yup you read that right…well there should be. It didn’t work out last year, but I’m really gonna push for it this year. Heeb or not, you are cordially invited to spend Christmas in the company of the “chosen” people…chosen to be alienated and bored
Celebrate Muni Diaries’ 4th Birthday with FREE Magaritas
Oh Muni…you strange and fickle mistress. Though I’ll never understand you, I need you in my life, and I ride the shit out of you. I’m pretty sure most San Franciscans feel the same way which is exactly why Muni Diaries has been so awesome for the past 4 years.
Come Hear Me Read at Writers with Drinks on Saturday!!
This Saturday I will be joining an assortment of great writers at San Francisco’s Make-Out Room for Writers with Drinks. What is Writers with Drinks? I’m so glad you asked according to the website: Writers with Drinks won “Best Literary Night” from the SF Bay Guardian readers’ poll six years in
The Kick Off Party for the “Broke as Hell Book Tour” is Friday Night!
Hey there fellow Brokesters! Come hangwith me before I embark on my East Coast book tour! I’ll be reading my piece “Living in San Francisco Means…” for the first time in public! Plus excerpts from my new book Young, Broke & Beautiful: Broke-Ass Stuart’s Guide to Living Cheaply. All
The True Stories Lounge: Awesome Essayists at the Make-Out Room
So I’m broke and don’t have cable (cause you know, I can just watch it online if I really wanted to, I mean…what? [insert mischievous smirk here] ). So I’ve been reading a lot more lately. Well, not just because I don’t have cable, but because I’m actually a freelance