
Myspace Makes a Comeback Tonight!
Most of us have forgotten all about Myspace, the first major social media domain that we all used back in its day. Tonight they are trying to make a come-back and remind you that Myspace still exists and prove that it is way better for sharing music than Facebook or

Throw A Broke-Ass Halloween Party
The Spookiest Time of the Year is upon us! Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet? I’m having a hard time deciding between Sexy Office Worker and Sexy Blogger. In other words, I’m not dressing up as anything. What does this look like, the third grade?

FREE Weezer Show in San Francisco!!
Holy shit! Break out your cardigan and horn-rimmed glasses…oh wait, you’re probably already wearing them, you dirty hipster scum. My dear friend Aaron just hipped me to the fact that there is a FREE Weezer show tomorrow (Wednesday) night at The Regency. Apparently this is a Myspace Secret show, which