The City That Was: 1907 Golden Gate
In The City That Was, Bohemian Archivist P Segal tells a weekly story of what you all missed: the days when artists, writers, musicians, and unemployed visionaries were playing hard in the city’s streets and paying the rent working part time.

The Alamo Square Flea Market this Saturday
Is your broke-ass burning to score some treasures on the cheap? This Saturday, August 18, 2012, you’re in luck! The Alamo Square Neighborhood Association (ASNA) presents the 29th Annual Alamo Square Flea Market. The Alamo Square Flea Market features great antiques, estate pieces, and handmade items. Check out vintage

Sipping at St. Cyprian’s
As someone whose first – and one of very few – church experiences was a rural Mississippian Baptist revival, tongues-speaking and floor-writhings and all, I’m not one who habitually steps foot into a house of God. Tonight, though, I breathed deep and placed one foot in front of the other

OH, HI MARK! 'The Room' Screening Tonight at Big Umbrella Studios
HOLY SHIT it’s amazing out today! It’s hot enough for my window to be open for once and the people next door have already commenced a rooftop drinkfest. NO, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke! SUN IN SAN FRANCISCO! Okay, I’m done. I just had to talk about

OH, HI MARK! ‘The Room’ Screening Tonight at Big Umbrella Studios
HOLY SHIT it’s amazing out today! It’s hot enough for my window to be open for once and the people next door have already commenced a rooftop drinkfest. NO, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke! SUN IN SAN FRANCISCO! Okay, I’m done. I just had to talk about

Meet the Best Bacon Cheeseburger on Divis at KK Cafe
ATTENTION VEGANS/VEGETARIANS!! This post is NOT for you. Why? Because I will be expounding upon the delicious, tantalizingly meaty goodness of the bacon at KK Cafe, specifically as it applies to a beefy, 1/2 pound burger, and the last thing I want you to do is throw up the kale

Be Part of SF's Next Carrotmob at Matching Half Cafe on Saturday
I’m not usually the biggest carrot fan. They’re okay raw, I guess, but in anything else, like soups or casseroles or cake, I’m not into it. What I AM a fan of, though, are Carrotmobs. A Carrotmob, according to, is “a network of consumers who buy products in order