
The Dire Need for Vocational Classes in High Schools
There are many people with degrees who are not working in their field, drowning in student loans, and trying to survive. Are we in the age where a college education is becoming somewhat obsolete? I find people taking vocational/trade courses because they know that we will always need a plumber,

The Myth of the Dream Job
Some of you are broke because you are waiting for your dream job to come along. Or, you may be broke BECAUSE you are in your dream job, and the money doesn’t matter. Congratulations, you’ve achieved something that so many of us pine for daily. I know this is

Broke-Ass Holiday Survival Tip: Don’t Buy Any Gifts
Warning: I am about to sound like a cynical asshole, but maybe it’s because I’m being a cynical asshole. Or maybe I’m just being realistic. My purpose is not to judge anyone who participates in purchasing and gift-giving during the holidays. But, I know that the holidays can be especially