Outer Richmond

Shanghai Dumpling King: BYOB Bargain
Beer and soup dumplings What is it about the Shanghai soup dumpling that impels the restauranteur to affix the name “King” or “Kingdom” somewhere in the title of his establishment dispensing of said delicacy? There IS a certain regal bearing to the soup dumpling, similar, you might imagine, to

Hakka Restaurant
Hakka Restaurant Most restaurants, or rather, most businesses tend to line up along urban trenches of varying size and length, barnacles barely clinging to the wave-buffeted crags of commerce. But, once in a while on a ride or walk about town you’ll come upon a singular little place wedged into

The Balboa Theatre
I had the fortune or misfortune, depending how you look at it, to have a tonsillectomy exactly a year ago. It may be all ice cream and naptime for kids, but let me tell you, for semi-adults, recovering from a T & A (tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for you ENT newbies)

Pho Garden is Pho Real
I may enjoy writing about Pho almost as much as I enjoy eating it. I’m an expert punsmith and the punsibilities associated with crafting a pho review delight me to no end. Fortunately Pho Garden on Clement does make some seriously solid pho. Don’t let the sign on the door

Fresh and Easy – More Like Fresh and Awesome
… actually this market is Fresh Easy, and Awesome. Alright so I know this place is a chain and because of that it will never gain quite the acclaim of some of the other rad corner markets we have strewn about our city but I love this place. I like

Tasty Tequila at Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant
As previously noted I’m a huge fan of restaurants with Tommy in the name. When I found out the little Mexican restaurant a few blocks from my house made it onto a list of the top 100 bars in the world I had to check things out firsthand. Upon entering

Pho Clement II Electric Boogaloo
When you catch a movie with whose title is followed with numeral dos you generally expect a rehash of something that never lives up to the original. Such is not the case at Pho Clement II. Even though the restaurant is actually on Geary that does little to hinder the