planned parenthood

These are the Kinds of Women who get Abortions
This originally appeared as a Facebook post by Shahla Fisher De Leon Let’s talk about abortion. Before studying public health, I worked for Planned Parenthood for six years. Six of the best years of my life. And I’ll share something I learned in those six years: You know who has

This Organic, Natural, Hypoallergenic Screaming Pillow is Perfect 2017
Are you stressed out about the Trump Administration’s attack on women’s reproductive rights? Do you get headaches thinking about what he’s doing to our immigrant communities? Are you having issues stomaching his Climate Change denial? Well luckily for you there is now the Softy Screamer! When your regular pillows are

Broke-Ass Time Filler: Having Sex
The sexual tension in this photo is almost as taut and thick as this woman’s inner thigh. I bet the guy is not exactly slack-muscled either. I always hear people complaining about their girlfriends (and sometimes boyfriends) being expensive. First off, you’re dating the wrong people. Secondly, it doesn’t have

Healthcare Tips for the Broke-Ass Masses
Being a New Yorker is a little tough, all the time. Whether it’s the train that just left or coming up with the perfect save to that horrible interview question…. on the elevator going down, there’s always some bitty truth to the adage about making it here. But we do

Bake Sale for Birth Control (and Other Planned Parenthood Stuff!) This Sunday
Hey, you know that bullshit about the House of Representatives voting to end all federal funding of Planned Parenthood? Well, it’s bullshit, and this weekend you have a chance to do more than just sign the petition opposing the ban and then post it on Facebook so everyone can see