
Which Popular Gadgets Have The Riskiest Security Flaws
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. The dirty little secret

Ask a Tenant Attorney: Can My Landlord Install Surveillance Cameras?
Ask a Tenant Attorney is your chance to learn how to survive as a tenant in San Francisco. Each month Tenant’s Rights Attorney Daniel Wayne addresses a different issue for residential tenants. This month: your landlord’s right to put up surveillance cameras. For more information about Daniel and his firm,

WTF Are These New Tinder ‘Terms of Use’?
Anyone trying to swipe on Tinder now gets immediately accosted with a new ‘Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy’ that you have to agree to or else you can’t get any action. Tinder assumes you’re so hookup-hungry you’ll click ‘Agree’ on anything. But what are you agreeing to here?

Zuck’s Testimony and Facebook’s Recent Actions Don’t Show a Company that’s Serious about User Privacy
Our new Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox. By Amul Kalia Guys, Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook in

What The Fresh Hell Is This Facebook Face Recognition?
Facebook showed you a vaguebooking post this week entitled “Introducing Face Recognition for More Features.” Facebook, which these days is 90% wannabe viral videos that you can’t scroll past fast enough, announced in a post that showed up once (and only once!) on your timeline earlier this week that “We’re

Why You Should Not Buy An iPhone X
Apple has a new iPhone out today, a grand experiment to see if people are really brainwashed enough to pay $1,000 for a smartphone. And it looks like a lot of them are! But people, you should not buy a new $1,000 smartphone simply because Apple has a new $1,000

#MyNameIs Rally at Facebook HQ on Monday
If you go by ‘Bunny’, ‘Kitty’, ‘Queen’ or some other nickname, you’ve got to fight for your right to go by ‘Bunny’, ‘Kitty’, ‘Queen’ or some other nickname on Facebook. That’s why the #MyNameIs campaign is organizing a protest at Facebook headquarters on Monday, June 1, taking the real names