
UK Punks Pro-Immigrant Anthem is Beautiful
There are punks on the other side of the pond, with a pro-immigrant, progressive message, and they happen to be fantastic to watch live. The Bristol band Idles exude a ton of charisma when they perform, watch as the lead singer is overwhelmed on stage, while the guitarist walks on

Legendary Punk Nerds Rocked Oakland w/ Fred Armisen
Devo Diaries at Burger Boogaloo By Jordan Latham It was a warm, apocalyptically dark pink night when I showed up at Mosswood Park Saturday, the “Mad Max” skies courtesy of another fire season off to a hellacious start. The Burger Boogaloo has become an annual pilgrimage of mine since The

Punk, Drag, & Christian Death, A Legacy
By Jillian Roberston Drag icon RuPaul once said, “Drag is punk rock. It’s a big FU to the status quo.” Long before RuPaul’s Drag Race became a global phenomenon, a punk rock musician in Los Angeles was taking that sentiment literally. Rozz Williams, creator of 80s punk rock band Christian

Win Tickets to Broken Strings Music Festival in Sacramento!
Brought to you by the people of SF Indiefest, Broken Strings is an exploration of folk punk, a loosely-defined underground genre combining the energy of punk rock with the personal, stripped-down appeal of folk music. The festival will feature approximately two dozen acts from across the U.S. Festival attendees can camp, swim in

Odd Tales, Tunes, and Times from an Odd Squad
Brooklyn’s own Americans UK have some serious ‘tudes and some serious tunes. The sci-fi rockers have created a whole new world…literally. Today marks the release of the groups’ graphic novel Odd Schnozz and the Odd Squad, from Oni Press. The EP soundtrack with be released in tandem. Writer of these twisted tales,

Eighteen Tunes to Screw To
I used to have an iTunes playlist called Music To Fuck To, a curated aural orgy of thumping bass and wah-wah guitar glory. All the obvious songs were there—”Whole Lotta Love,” “Come Together,” “Lebanese Blonde.” Naturally, I played it one night when I was giving a platonic massage to a

Halloween Wine for the (Love-)Haters
The sentiment known as “love/hate” is one of the most ubiquitous yet enigmatic phenomenons in the human experience. I am certainly no stranger to its insidious, backhanded ways. Raw onions, ex-lovers, the mélange of scents permeating the city on a hot day, Peter Gabriel… you get the idea. For broke-ass