
We Wanna Send You to Check Out Ed Hardy: Deeper Than Skin
Ed Hardy: Deeper Than Skin at the de Young Museum is the first museum retrospective of renowned tattoo artist and California native Ed Hardy tracks his goal of elevating the tattoo from its subculture status to an important visual art form. The exhibition surveys Hardy’s life in art that has as

Win A Copy Of Isaac Fitzgerald & Wendy MacNaughton’s New Book, Pen + Ink
Isaac Fitzgerald and Wendy MacNaughton will be on the scene Friday, October 10th @ Make Out Room in the Mission. To celebrate their awesomeness, we’re giving away a FREE copy of their new book ‘Pen and Ink: Tattoos and the Stories Behind Them.” Get it while the gettin’ is good y’all.

Living the Hillbilly Life and Loving It
Last weekend, my friend Heather and I spent four days as pretend hillbillies. We’ve always wanted to go to the Deep South– land of deliciously heavy foods, porch drinking, adorable floppy-lipped hound dogs, and people with two first names and cousins for lovers (let’s forget the racism and gross ignorance

Notes on a Nerd’s First Hardcore Show
Last weekend, I went to my first-ever hardcore show. I was a serious geekazoid as a teenager, so I was too busy trying to get the high score on the next AP Bio test to buy black socks, become straightedge, and be in the throes of a steamy hardcore love

Party Like Bruce Lee Party
If you’ve ever had a hankering for a killer Bruce Lee tattoo, then tonight is your chance! In celebration of Mr. Lee’s brithday, Amor Eterno Tattoo and Art Space are offering $25 Bruce Lee tattoos at their PARTY LIKE BRUCE LEE party. In addition to honoring his memory by permanently

Broke-Ass of the Week – Jax Steager
Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit…probably not.

50% off Tattoos!!
If you look over at the side bar on the right you’ll notice how it says, “Deal of the Day” with a little widget thingy there. Awhile back I told you how we’re working with Joffer to bring you kick ass deals every day. Well for many, this is the