
Which Bay Area Tech Companies Pay No Corporate Taxes?
The spectacular wealth of Bay Area tech firms is driving up the cost of everything from your rent to a loaf of bread. But many of these companies are paying nothing whatsoever in federal taxes, racking up billions in profits while homelessness runs rampant, our infrastructure is crumbling, and income

FREE Vibrators for Taxpayers
If Obamacare means that we get FREE vibrators for taxpayers, then we can’t get enough of it. SFist is reporting that Trojan will be giving away FREE vibrators on April 12, the Friday before Tax Day. All you have to do is show up to The Box, tell them you’ve

Win Tix to See Taxes Play with the Phenomenauts on Friday Night!
This Thursday Taxes will be playing along with The Phenomenauts and The New Up at the Rickshaw Stop. Considering that Taxes was recent named Band of the Month and nominated as SF’s Best Emerging Band, this is some pretty exciting stuff. While tickets to the show are $12, I’ve got

See Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. (the Band, Not the NASCAR Guy) FREE Tonight
Waaaay back in April I told you about a Michigan-based band called Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. and I had a dream. My dream was selfish, but heartfelt: That Jr. Jr., whose demos had been on constant repeat on my iPod since I got my grabby grabby little hands on them,