the curran

Celebrate Xmas in July w/ the Weirdest Dance Party in Town!
This is made possible by the fine folks at The Curran. Wanna support an article on the site? Holler at Join your fellow misfits and revelers on the historic Curran stage to celebrate Christmas in July and the ticket on-sale for Taylor Mac’s Holiday Sauce THIS Tuesday July 31st! Enter through the stage door and don a pair of

New Musical with Songs from the Go-Go’s Will Flip Your Corset
This article is made possible by the fine folks at the Curran. With Elizabethan clothes, Broadway Pros, and music from Go-Go’s, HEAD OVER HEELS looks like a lot of fun. Like, “I’m fired up, going out dancing, and meeting someone,” fun. It’s a punk/posh musical comedy with 80’s and Elizabethan fashion, set