Tiki Bar

SF’s Hidden Tiki Bar, with an incredible view
If you don’t already know about this place, you’ll never guess where it is. Go ahead, guess. Nope, that’s not it. It’s not what you’re thinking, my hoa (‘hoa’ is ‘friend’ Hawaiian…I googled it). This isn’t some new ‘secret’ tiki bar that just opened or an old classic way out in

SF’s Hidden Tikki Bar, with an incredible view
If you don’t already know about this place, you’ll never guess where it is. Go ahead, guess. Nope, that’s not it. It’s not what you’re thinking, my hoa (‘hoa’ is ‘friend’ Hawaiian…I googled it). This isn’t some new ‘secret’ tiki bar that just opened or an old classic way out in

Trad’r Sam is my 2nd Favorite Tiki Bar in the World
The best tiki bar I’ve ever been to is Smith’s Union Bar in Honolulu’s Chinatown. It’s a shitty little tiki dive bar with even shittier karaoke. It’s also the oldest bar on the island. The night I was there it was is was full of Navy dudes, punk chicks, gay