
07 Jan 2020

Donald Trump Is Tweeting Us into WWIII. But Is It Even Him?

“There’s always a tweet” has been the axiom of the Trump era, the definitive proof that almost any ridiculous thing the president says or does will have been preceded by an accusation that someone else was doing it. It’s as true as “There’s always a bigger fish” or “There’s always

Peter-Astrid Kane 0
10 Dec 2019

Netflix and Kill: Brands Talking to Each Other Is Freaky AF

Not that any month is a sane month on the internet, but October 2018 was particularly ferocious. As Brett Kavanaugh’s inflammatory Supreme Court hearings tore the country asunder, a curious undercurrent developed, wherein other people with the name Brett Kavanaugh meekly raised their hands on Twitter as if to be

Peter-Astrid Kane 0
16 Sep 2019

Illegal Twitter Ads Are Uglying Up SF Sidewalks

Twitter’s CEO is not only suing San Francisco, the city that gave them a $70 million tax break, Twitter the company has also spray-painted ugly, obnoxious, and illegal ads all over San Francisco sidewalks. Acting on a tip from a sharp-eyed reader, the Broke-Ass I-team found no fewer than eight

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
27 Aug 2019

Ya, Fried Chicken Sandwiches are Delicious, & Factory Farming is Still Disgusting

Yes I love fried chicken.  Yes, I ate more than one fried chicken sandwich this weekend. Yes, I enjoyed every delicious bite.   And yes, I heard about the pretend social media war or ‘chickenwars’ between Popeyes and Chick-fil-A last week.  A ‘twitter war’ between corporations, which is code for ‘Free

07 Aug 2018

Alex Jones Kicked Off iTunes, Facebook & YouTube Last Night

Censorship.  99% of the time is against it.  But when it comes to conspiracy theorist and mentally ill disc jokey Alex Jones, we’ll make an exception.  Alex Jones is the host of InfoWars, a show that specializes in ‘debunking’ the mainstream media along with ‘government conspiracies’, the show’s tagline is

03 Jan 2018

People are Protesting at Twitter HQ to Get Trump Kicked Off

This was sent to me the other day and I figured I’d share it with you since some of you may want to go. Resistance SF is protesting at Twitter HQ today with hopes of getting Donny boy kicked off the platform. Here’s the info from the FB invite: Trump

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 Oct 2017

Protest Launching at Twitter HQ to Kick Trump Off Platform

Tomorrow, Friday the 13th, Resistance SF is kicking off the protest to get Twitter to 86 the Molester-in-Chief from the platform. The Orange Menace’s twitter feed has been full of harassment and hatred for years and given that Rose McGowan just got booted for tweeting about sexual predator Harvey Weinstein,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0