
The Most Badass “Save The Date” Video Ever
My dear friend Tyler MacNiven is an adventurer and film maker. He’s walked the length of Japan, attempted to run across Iran, and won the Amazing Race. His next big adventure is getting married. Tyler and Kelly, his lovely bride-to-be, made what is without a doubt the coolest “Save the Date” video ever. The concept

$1.29 bouquet of Daffodils for a Spring Wedding…
In an earlier post, I mentioned taking advantage of Trader Joe’s annual spring $1.29 bouquet of Daffodils and using them for your arrangements at your wedding. Yesterday I went to get arugula at TJ’s and saw the flowers sitting in a basket outside and I immediately bought two bouquets. The woman behind me

A Broke-Ass Wedding Reception: Merriment On A Budget…
Our outdoor ceremony was 15-minutes: my mom walked me down the aisle and gave me away because my dad sucks balls, rings exchanged, vows exchanged (I left vows upstairs and was forced to wing it), some bawling, an Iron & Wine Lion’s Mane and two renditions of Erik Satie’s Gymnopedia

Introduction To A Broke-Ass Wedding: Matrimony On A Budget…
“Your wedding is in Vallejo, on a Sunday, and in November? Aren’t you afraid of gun shots, work schedules, cold and rain?” In order to abide by the rules of a broke-ass wedding, throw away any ideas of what you want your wedding to be like. Because in California, the

A Wedding at the Food Carts on Linda St.?
I just saw this on the Creme Brulee guy’s twitter page: “The linda st carts are proud to present LOVE. A wedding at the street carts on Friday. Let’s all try and look our best for the young couple.” Really?!? Getting married on a Mission side street,