wine tasting

Get Your Janky Cheese Tonight at the California Academy of Sciences
Calling all cheese lovers, wine connoisseurs and freaks of nature! Tonight is your night to shine at the weekly event Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Not only can you check out the rad albino crocodile and play in the rain forest inside the museum

Raise Money for the Red Cross While Getting Drunk on Wine
While the French are just now begrudgingly admitting that California puts out some badass wine, we here in the Bay Area have known this for years. In fact it’s probably harder to get bad wine in San Francisco than it is to get good wine…not that I can really tell

More Cheap Wine: Russian River Barrel Tasting
I know Livermore is the new hotness when it comes to wine tasting, but the next two weekends hold another cheap opportunity to get drunk in the countryside and maybe learn ya’ a thing or two about wine in the process. I’m not talking about overpaying for a Barefoot Vineyards

Super Cheap Wine Tasting in Livermore
So it’s a Sunday, you want to get your day drink on in Dolores Park, but it’s the end of February and the weather is fucking apocalyptic. I’m over this devil rain that doesn’t come down on you, it comes across at you, like all horizontal and shit. Anyway, you

$3 Wine Tasting Party – and It's Not Even Two Buck Chuck
I’m not really into wine culture because A) it’s an awfully expensive habit and B) it’s WAY too pretentious for me. That being said, I still love wine and am always down to learn a little something about it. I figure that way I can sound fancy when I’m talking