
Why You Should Fuck a Writer
Fuck a writer because he can make you hard or wet just by typing. Kiss him because he can turn a one night stand into a life defining poem. A weekend fling into a highly praised novella. A short love affair into a best selling book…

Dear SF & LA: Shut Up And Hug It Out
Shhh. Stop whining. Let’s all eat burritos on a beach, together. “Blah blah blah, TRAFFIC, blah blah blah SUPERFICIALITY! REALITY SHOW REJECTS!” is what I constantly hear from San Francisco citizens about my current residency in LA. “Yackity shmackity, ZILLIONAIRE TECH ASSHOLES! PRICE OF RENT!” is what I hear about

Organ Grind: A South American Food Journal, Part 10, Dusty Tongue in Northwest Argentina
Exterior of El Salteno As I said in a previous South American dispatch, things get looser, more flavorsome, and less racially homogenous in Argentina the further you penetrate the Northwestern region of the country. Also, dustier. I hopped off the bus in the tiny, quaint town of Tilcara, and had

10 Places To Stay Cool and Get Fat This Summer
I was inspired to write my own “Top 10 Tips For Summer” after seeing so many in the grocery line that didn’t cover all the hottest new trends. Ladies, if you’re like me and tired from carrying around your beach body all winter, and are looking for tips on how

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Doing Memorial Day Cheap as F*ck!
Murica! Did you know that most people don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? Including your author? Memorial Day honors the men and women who died for our country. Veterans Day celebrates all service men and women, living and otherwise (dead, Marissa. Say “dead”). Got that straight?

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: The Best $5 Red Wines
My second love is wine (second only to food). Oh, wine: you beautiful muse. I adore thee. A while back my parents decided to do a Sideways-inspired family vacation (I think that movie affected us all): we went all up and down wine country. A little pinot, a little syrah, the drunkest

The Work From Home Checklist: Things to Do Before You Leave the House
More and more people these days are freelancing or working for themselves. This also means that more and more people are working from home, which in turn means more and more people are becoming unhygienic shut-ins with diminishing social skills. At first the idea of working form home seems awesome,