new york latest

26 Mar 2020

How to Safely Eat Your Pets During a Food Shortage

It’s day 11 of quarantine, and if you are like me, you’re starting to think about eating your pets.  Not because you have anything against your wife’s Pomeranian named ‘Penelope’, but because your government is asking you to shelter in place, and to conserve supplies, and you have mouths to

25 Mar 2020

UCSF ER Relatively ‘Quiet’, Flattening the Curve Working in SF, For Now

We spoke with a UCSF Emergency Room Doctor in San Francisco during his shift Tuesday afternoon (3/24). Standing in front of the temporary Covid-19 screening tents in the UCSF Parnassus parking lot, the Doctor described his ER as being relatively ‘quiet’ with about half of the average patients it usually

25 Mar 2020

UCSF ER Relatively ‘Quiet’, Flattening the Curve is Working in SF, For Now

We spoke with a UCSF Emergency Room Doctor in San Francisco during his shift Tuesday afternoon (3/24). Standing in front of the temporary Covid-19 screening tents in the UCSF Parnassus parking lot, the Doctor described his ER as being relatively ‘quiet’ with about half of the average patients it usually

25 Mar 2020

UCSF ER Currently ‘Quiet’, Flattening the Curve is Working in SF, For Now

We spoke with a UCSF Emergency Room Doctor in San Francisco during his shift Tuesday afternoon (3/24). Standing in front of the temporary Covid-19 screening tents in the UCSF Parnassus parking lot, the Doctor described his ER as being relatively ‘quiet’ with about half of the average patients it usually

24 Mar 2020

Men Named Richard Who Really Shouldn’t Go By Dick

There’s only one name more phallic than Peter, and that name is Dick.  With the news that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are postponing, the name Dick Pound has been trending on Twitter. He’s a member of the International Olympic Committee and former swimming champion who’s long been an anti-doping advocate

Peter-Astrid Kane 0
23 Mar 2020

How To Stay Sane When the World Is Going to Sh**

by Laurie Riihimaki If you say you aren’t freaking the fuck out right now, then you’re lying. The world is rapidly going to shit and we are all going to die from the Coronavirus. *Deep Breath* Sorry, that’s the fear talking.  The truth is, the world is pretty shitty right

Guest Writer 0
23 Mar 2020

The United States’ Life-Saving Funds were Spent on Death

by Xan Holbrook As the country’s under-equipped healthcare system buckles under the weight of a global pandemic, let’s talk about the United States Military: A bulbous, bloated, bloodsucking, bombastic bully, looming over all other nations on Earth like a cheeseburger solar eclipse. President Eisenhower delivered the pithiest and most damning

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