James Franco + Art + Two movies for the price of one = FUN

James Franco showing off
I don’t know about you bitches but I like fun, and tomorrow there is a mathematical certainty of fun happening at the Castro Theater (isn’t there always?!). The artist Carter has teamed up with Hotty McHotterson James Franco and made an aptly title film Erased James Franco. The movie is comprised of Franco reworking hundreds of lines and gestures from his past roles in one 13-hour shoot, cut down to 65 minutes, because hey, James Franco is bomb but 13 hours of anyone would make me want to punch a baby. He also reinterprets Julianne Moore’s role as a housewife who becomes literally allergic to her life in Todd Haynes’ film Safe, and scenes from John Frankenheimer’s 1966 thriller Seconds.
According to an interview with Carter, he got the inspiration for the film from Robert Rauschenberg’s 1953 work Erased De Kooning, “in which he took one of De Kooning’s old drawings and, with its creator’s blessing, erased it – not out of aggression or rebellion, but in a spirit of tribute and liberation.” From that, Carter came up with the idea of a film that would “undo” an actor’s performance. This will for sure appeal to all you artsy types out there, and for all of you who don’t really give a shit, James Fucking Franco himself will be there in the flesh!!! (EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!)
So here, my pretties, are the deets:
Sunday 6pm at the Castro theater the second double-feature of Seconds, followed by Erased James Franco and a post-screening discussion with both Franco and Carter.
Tickets ($10 general; $7 students, and seniors) are available at the Castro Theater (429 Castro Street, San Francisco) or online.
I am super stoked about this smorgasbord of awesome because:
A. It’s only $10 for regular admission to each event and only $7 if you rule as much as I do and saved your student ID, and
B. I would be happy (and probably aroused) by watching James Franco eat a sandwich, let alone be in the same room with him while he talks about his film and being awesome in general. Plus, as demonstrated here, he’s got some mad acting skillz. Actors sniff jackets!!!
Go! Have fun! It’s science, and as we all know, you can’t argue with that shit.
Erased James Franco Film Screening w/James Franco in person!
The Castro Theater
429 Castro Street (between 18th and Market)
Sunday, November 15th, 6pm