Arts and CultureSan Francisco

46th Annual Big Book Sale

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Back when I was a productive member of society, my company volunteered at the Annual Big Book Sale run by the Friends of the San Francisco Library. All the details are pretty hazy right now, but I remember being bossed around by some snippy senior citizens and lugging tons upon tons of books around the convention hall, as they barked directions and possibly made me move books around simply for sport. They had a serious order of hierarchy that was to be followed, specific directions for exactly how everything was to be done, and the terrible rule that we weren’t allowed to spend anytime looking at the books. Despite my frustration at the situation and guilt for wanting to throw a punch or two, I have to hand it to them: they know how to put on a goddamn giant book sale.

This year there are reported to be over half a million books. Rows and rows and rows of books. Books that you have been coveting and books you didn’t even know you wanted. All for less than $5. If you wait until the very end of the sale, books are only $1. Think of all the babes you could impress with your new collection of books that scream, “I am an intelligent and thoughtful person. Bang me.” I’m guessing titles would include something by Nietzsche, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Guns, Germs and Steel, and I am a Bunny. But you’ll have to figure what combo works out best yourself.

Entrance is FREE. Sale opens to the public on Wed. the 22nd and cheap-o dollar or less day is Sunday the 26th. For more details, click here. Books help you learn stuff, knowledge is power, and power gets you laid. And the library makes some money. Everyone wins!

46th Annual Big Book Sale
Fort Mason (Laguna St. and Marina Blvd.) [Marina]
Sept. 22-26th, 10am-8pm (Sunday until 4pm)
FREE entrance, books $5 or less

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Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter

Jessica was born, moved around a lot and has an odd dialect to prove it (see: hella, bubbler, and cawfee), and is now precariously settled in SF. Despite graduating high school too many years ago to count, she was crowned Prom Queen this summer and considers her life complete now. Last year her production editing job was outsourced to the Philippines. Hope they like it. Luckily for you, this Lady of Leisure is currently accepting applications for the position of Wealthy Benefactor.