San Francisco

BART'S "Secret Word of the Day" Week

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

BART apparently is trying real hard to let the lads know she’s single and ready to mingle. Try BART Week starts Monday (today!) to entice people to think about trying BART. (Really, are there people who have lived here for an extended period of time who have been able to completely avoid ever having to use it? OOH, BART, how novel! Maybe I’ll try it out just for fun. I’d like to meet these people. They sound rich.). Anyway, every day this week (October 18th-22nd), BART will have a secret magic word displayed on the platform destination signs and announced over the loudspeaker but instead of screaming real loud when you see it, text the word to 44144 and you could win! Prizes (whole list broken down by day for those who like to plan ahead) include ice cream cake for a year, round trip tickets on Southwest, BART tickets, tickets to plays, shows, sporting events, etc, etc. Reading the fine print of the rules also might pay off handsomely; “the WOD (ed: word of the day) may also be obtained by calling 1-888-226-0242.” You can also enter online instead of texting. Good luck!

Tip of the hat to Johnny at FuncheapSF

Try BART Week: Word of the Day Giveaway
October 18th-22nd
BART stations throughout the Bay Area
FREE to enter (can only enter once a day)

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Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter

Jessica was born, moved around a lot and has an odd dialect to prove it (see: hella, bubbler, and cawfee), and is now precariously settled in SF. Despite graduating high school too many years ago to count, she was crowned Prom Queen this summer and considers her life complete now. Last year her production editing job was outsourced to the Philippines. Hope they like it. Luckily for you, this Lady of Leisure is currently accepting applications for the position of Wealthy Benefactor.