Arts and CultureNews

All the Dope Art Parties and Creative Expos in SF

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There are a bunch of fun, artsy extravaganzas happening all over San Francisco this January. The next couple weeks have world class expos, afterpartys, truely creative performances and of course music, dancing & libations all over the place.  It’s time to get out there and mix it up with thousands of other beautiful bay area weirdos.  Here are the artsy events starting this weekend  in San Francisco

January 13th-14th 2017

The Secret Alley’s Closing Party at The Galallery

This magical little art alley is a spot that mixes old-school SF and the promise that creativity still exists in the Mission District.  Every year The Secret Alley builds an immersive installation that will trip you out, this year it’s a “mysterious conservatory filled with exotic plants”.  Saturday is the closing celebration with music, libations, and actual SF artists.

January 13th, 5 PM – 10 PM
The Galallery
180 Capp St, San Francisco
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untitled SF

The 2nd annual Untitled SF will feature galleries from 21 different cities and an international team of curators.  You can’t beat the setting for a carefully curated international exhibition either.  The Roman/Beaux-Arts Palace of Fine Art was literally built as an global exhibition for the Panama Pacific International Exposition in 1915 .  There’ll be cool artsy talks, screenings & installations all weekend.

Jan 12 – Jan 14
Untitled SF
Palace of Fine Arts
San Francisco, California 94123
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FOG Design+Art Fair

Fort Mason has really become a genuine arts scene in SF.  When the big new SFAI building opened there last year it brought with it youth, energy, and the ingredient Fort Mason needed to be more than just an ‘arts center’, it’s now an ‘art scene’.  With the FOR-SITE Foundation moving in in 2016, the FLAX store in 2015, and its standing collective of small museums and theaters it’s covering all its creative bases.   When Off the Grid happens on Fridays you really notice that something taking hold and coming alive at the Fort.  Meanwhile the FOG Design+Art Fair is hear again, it’s the 5th edition of the design-heavy international exhibition complete with big food and bevy sponsors and it’s own gala.  Checkout the schedule of talks ranging from marketing to visual arts, to of course, design.

Jan 11 – Jan 14
Fort Mason
2 Marina Blvd., San Francisco, California 94123

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Untitled Afterparty: HUSH w/ DJ QBert

Heron consistently puts on pretty dope multimedia events.  Newcastle artist Hush has a style that brings graffiti swagger with classical and impressionistic flavors, and Qbert is a straight up San Francisco legend on turntables.   Heron’s lofty setup works well with music and art, and they usually keep drinks flowing too, it’s not their first barbeque.  This event is the Untitled SF afterparty so it may be stocked with some dope creative people till the wee hours.

Saturday, January 13th 9pm-midnite
Heron Arts
UNTITLED Afterparty
7 Heron St, San Francisco
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The 15-Year Anniversary Exhibition & party celebrates this San Francisco visual artist community and non-profit institution with an alumni show.  Their new building in the SOMA is real nice, and so is their contribution to local art in SF.

Saturday, January 13
7:00pm to 10:00pm
Roots Division
1131 Mission Street, San Francisco

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klimpt & Rodin at the legion

The Legion of Honor has long been the place for classical, European art in San Francisco.  The building itself is perhaps the most beautiful in the city and its collection of Rodin is world renowned.  They’ve got a Klimt exhibit visiting now and it will be gone by the end of January.  If you’d like to learn about  KLIMT & RODIN: An Artistic Encounter there’s a docent lecture on the two and it’s free with the price of admission. January 13, 2018.12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

KLIMT & RODIN: An Artistic Encounter
The Legion of Honor
100 34th Ave, San Francisco

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jan 18

artspan hotel hop

If you don’t enjoy hanging out with artists in cool settings…then why are you still reading this right now?  ArtSpan’s Hotel Hop does both of those things in a comfortable ‘after office’ schedule, with happy hour benefits.  I’m embarrassed that I haven’t been yet.  Featured artists this time around are Jennifer Banzaca, Simone Burnardzhieva, Eunju Jang, & Ta Mueller-Harley

Thursday, January 18, 6-8pm
Hotel Hop! Double Artist Reception
The Marker Hotel, 501 Geary Street
Hotel Adagio, 550 Geary Street

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jan 19 & 20

pancakes and booze

A big, funky, art fair full of amateur artists, booze, & at times…pancakes.  For those nights when you want to say, “why the fuck not,” this light-hearted art affair is a good spot to start your evening rubbing elbows and lubricating appetites.

January 19 – January 21
Pancakes and Booze
444 Jessie St, San Francisco

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Moon Disaster at Z Space

In Event of Moon Disaster, Mugwumpin’s new immersive theater experience is selling out left and right, I hear tell it reminds audiences of SF’s Cacophony society, where genuine SF weirdos create an alternative reality with visual art, music, and immersive performance.  Step into it, it’s a whole different zone you might like.

January 3 – 28
Z Space
450 Florida St, San Francisco
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Bay Area Juried Exhibition at Arc Gallery

Looking for some art to hang on your walls?  Checkout what Bay Area artists are creating and selling these days, all works are $199.  In Arc’s words: “Snap! is a quick turnaround show filled with bright, delicious artwork hung salon-style and ready to be snapped up by Bay Area art lovers.”


OPENING RECEPTION: Fri, January 19th, 7-9PM
SECOND CHANCE SALE: Sat, January 20th, 12-3PM
1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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