New ShitNewsPressTravel Writings

Dreamforce Traffic Maps & Infographics

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

It’s Dreamfoce 2019! An entire week of corporate events, corporate networking parties, and high priced celebrity speeches clustered in the heart of San Francisco!  Which is great if you flew here from Phoenix to hear Marc Benioff’s speak about ‘sales synergy’, but very unfortunate if you live here and just want to get to work Monday through Friday.

But have no fear, we have you covered!  Early this morning MUNI & Dreamforce released new maps and schedules to help you understand new transportation schedules, potential outages, & traffic due to the massive tech conference happening right in the middle of the City’s main traffic arteries.  (The section of the SOMA, it’s traffic, and construction, is sponsored by Salesforce by the way, in case you hadn’t noticed, Dreamforce is the celebration of our city’s corporate sponsorship!)

Dreamforce  MUNI Temporary Service Map

In case you are driving to work or just to wait in line to see Deepak Chopra’s keynote address on being a ‘power executive in a Millenial’s world’,  here is the Google/Waze interactive traffic map of all bridges and highways leading into San Francisco this week.  Drive Safe!


This post was not sponsored by Salesforce, but all the traffic is.  Barack Obama will be speaking this morning, so expect the traffic to be extra terrible, and take heart that at least it will be over after Friday, and we can get back to just normal terrible traffic.

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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