san francisco latest

18 Oct 2011

Top 10 Craft Projects: The BUST DIY Guide to Life

BUST Magazine has just released an amazing book that, aside from Stuart’s Young, Broke, and Beautiful, no brokeass should be without—The BUST DIY Guide to Life. Though you can read more about it in my review here, I’ve put together a list of my top 10 favorite craft projects and

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
18 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Recipe: Poor-as-Fuck Stew

I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while, mainly because I can’t afford it. The other day, I decided I should eat some food. I make a habit of keeping a lot of ingredients that won’t go bad on hand: dry beans, veggie broth powder, uncooked rice. I also looked through

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
18 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Jake Mann + the Upper Hand (Thursday @ Amnesia)

Crossbill Records has introduced me to handful of amazing musicians who now make up my most-played list on iTunes: Matt Bauer, Sea of Bees, and now I can add Jake Mann + the Upper Hand to the rotation. This Thursday, October 20, you can catch Jake Mann + the Upper Hand

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
18 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Nostalgia: Swingers

If you are in your twenties and thirties, you probably could perform Swingers movie as a one-person show. I have no need to convince you that it is a classic. It’s the film that launched Vince Vaughn and John Favreau’s careers, had bros telling each other “you’re so money and

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
17 Oct 2011

Avoiding Preposterous Bank Fees

I went into the bank the other day to open a new personal checking account. As I am sitting with the banker, we are having a casual conversation about bank fees. When I mentioned the new law that would require them to charge $15.00 per month for debit card transactions,

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony 0
15 Oct 2011

Broke-Ass Career: Panhandling

As the American job market continues to take a downward spiral, even “normal” people have taken to panhandling these days. The stereotype goes that if you are standing on a street corner, begging for money, you must be a drunk. This doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case today. Even

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
15 Oct 2011

Get Litup for Litcrawl Saturday October 15th

If you haven’t had a chance to checkout one of Litquake’s amazing events you are running out of time.  In fact this weekend happens to be your last chance.  As a completely unbiased and objective observer I’m going to have to recommend the readings taking place this Saturday at Revolution

Hugh Hunter - Economical Essayist 0

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