Badinage- Senior Drug Analyst

11 Mar 2015

What it’s Like Dating A Sex Addict

Might As Well Face it You’re Addicted to Sex I had sex with a married woman in the backseat of my Boss’s car. She began flicking her tongue between my thighs while my Boss was driving down 6th St.  At 8th St. her nipple slid onto my clitoris while a

Badinage- Senior Drug Analyst 0
21 Feb 2015

How to get your dream job through forgery

I like danger and anything I can’t have. My favorite crime is forgery.  It’s a neglected art that we’re taught to be ashamed of.  Before I tutor your first session, here are a few guidelines: The Rules of Forgery. 1st RULE: You do not talk about FORGERY. 2nd RULE:  You DO

Badinage- Senior Drug Analyst 0
26 Jan 2015

Where to Buy Sex, Drugs, and Toilet Paper in the Tenderloin

I like danger and anything I can’t have. At 2:15am I took a stolen carton of Marlboro Reds (one that I stole) to sell on Leavenworth St. in the Tenderloin (the TL). It traded for $50. I took my new $50 bill and bought two roxicodone. The $50 was fake, and the

Badinage- Senior Drug Analyst 0