
08 Sep 2011

The True Stories Lounge: Awesome Essayists at the Make-Out Room

So I’m broke and don’t have cable (cause you know, I can just watch it online if I really wanted to, I mean…what? [insert mischievous smirk here] ). So I’ve been reading a lot more lately. Well, not just because I don’t have cable, but because I’m actually a freelance

Paulette Greenhouse - The Penny Pincher 0
07 Sep 2011

Little Russia’s Best Eats

I live right by Little Russia but have never really believed in it. Yeah, there are those huge gold onion domes on the Russian Orthodox church and the occasional sign in Cyrillic. The ratio of hunched-over, scarf-wearing old ladies to anyone else is alarmingly high. But until I crashed my

07 Sep 2011

Discussing Your Broke-Ass Lifestyle Without Scaring Your Family

Recently, I gave my grandma a jingle to thank her for the desperately-needed cash that she sent to me for my birthday. Little did I know that my 80 year old granny has been reading this Goddamn Website! I mean, she lives in LA, chain smokes, goes to galleries, and

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
06 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Band Interview: You Are Plural (Tonight @ Bottom of the Hill)

You are Plural is comprised of Jen Grady (cello, vocals) and Ephriam Nagler (Wurlitzer, piano, vocals), two of the loveliest people and most creative musicians I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I reviewed their debut album a few months ago on SFGate. Here’s what I said (and yes, I’m quoting

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
06 Sep 2011

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Peanut Butter Banana Cookies

Hello! Welcome to the inaugural post of the Broke-Ass Kitchen, a new weekly feature from your penniless pals here at BAS. We’re going to load you up with tons of cheap recipes so that you can stay well-fed even when your wallet’s not. Nothing will involve having to special order

Jill S. 0
03 Sep 2011

Ireland’s 32 is Just Plain Awesome

People come to Ireland’s 32 to get drunk. Period. I’m not talking a little stumble and a brick-scraped elbow on the way home drunk. I’m talking blackout, after hours bacon-wrapped hot dog stained shirt, pass out on top of your bed fully clothed, worst hangover headache in a while drunk.

03 Sep 2011

Podcasts: Recommendations from a Broke-Ass

Podcasts were practically invented for Broke-Asses. Podcasts have motivated me to exercise, made a work commute less boring, being stuck in traffic slightly less rage-inspiring, kept me motivated during mind-numbing jobs, and kept me from depression during bouts of unemployment. Listening to a podcast when with a boyfriend/girlfriend can avoid

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0