Arts and Culture

23 Aug 2010

FREE Booze All Week Long From the Bold Italic

The fine people over at The Bold Italic have taken it upon themselves to encourage men to dress better.  And I don’t blame them, we’re certainly a slovenly bunch in this city.  Just walk outside and take a look at all the urban lumberjacks roaming around this city. To do

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Aug 2010

FREE Screening of Kick Ass at The Independent

Dudes. I’m not going to lie. It’s 5:22 in the morning and I just got home, cured of the hiccups by some girl who told me to think of a white horse. Yeah, she was shocked it worked too. So let’s get personal: Ever been to Cinema Draft House at

Jessica Longo - Two-Bit Reporter 0
21 Aug 2010

No Mimes Allowed – San Francisco Mime Troupe Performance

Mimes are creepy, aint no denyin’. Good thing for all of you Metamfiezomaiophobics, the San Francisco Mime Troupe is not actually a group of mimes trying to steal your soul and haunt your dreams. As far as I can tell/have been told (from their website), the SF Mime Troupe ‘œcreates

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
21 Aug 2010

More FREE Weekend Music — Rogue Wave and They Might Be Giants at Stern Grove

I remember seeing Rogue Wave as a college freshman in my school’s tiny multipurpose room, the then four members barely fitting on the makeshift “stage” and me wondering the whole time if any of them would consider banging a just-turned-legal fan.  Back then, Out of the Shadow was the album

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
20 Aug 2010

Live Music, Art and Kid Stuff at the FREE Rock Make Street Festival on Sunday!

You know how on most Sundays you sit at home getting day drunk on a mega bottle of wine and watch reruns of Tosh.0 until it gets dark out because there isn’t nearly enough sun to coax you off the couch, and then there’s those Sundays where there’s a million

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
18 Aug 2010

FREE Music and Food at the Hear It Local Launch Party

It’s shit like this that makes living in San Francisco so fun.  If you like music, food and art then the Hear it Local party  is about to be your new plan for tonight.  If you don’t like music, food, and art, you’re a weird twisted fuck who probably thinks

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Aug 2010

FREE Food, Refreshments and a Pinball Tourny from PBR and Rebel8

Um yeah, this is gonna be a good one.  The fine people at PBR and Rebel8 love titties and have decided to do a fundraiser to help fight breast cancer….stupid breast cancer….why you gotta go and fuck with some of my favorite things on earth? The event is officially called

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0