Arts and Culture

05 May 2010

FREE DVD Release Party for "The Recess Ends" with FREE Booze!

Ever wanted to take a road trip across the United States?  Ever wanted to make a documentary while doing it?  If you answered yes to both questions, maybe your name is Brian or Austin Chu, because they actually did that shit.  Six months, one crashed car and probably lots of

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
04 May 2010

Boozy Tourism: The St. George Distillery

Entertaining out-of-town family and friends without annihilating their wallets is kind of tough in San Francisco, namely because everything everyone always wants to see is an overpriced tourist trap. The trick is to find something similar, that is usually a lot cooler and either cheaper or free. Screw the Napa

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
02 May 2010

Types of Kids I Wouldn't Be Ashamed To Call My Offspring

In general, I’m of the opinion that most children are bratty, snot-nosed runts that are good for nothing until they hit age 18, but recently my good friend got knocked up and I got to thinking that maybe I wouldn’t be so adverse to the idea of having a little

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
01 May 2010

Yar Matey – A McSweeney's Night of Magic and Treasures

If you fancy yourself a pirate, a bibliophile, a treasure hunter or all of the above, then I know what you’re doing this Saturday night! McSweeney’s is celebrating it’s newest book release, The Clock Without a Face, with a FREE party and nationwide treasure hunt. How awesomazing is that!? Twelve

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
30 Apr 2010

Touching Home: Inspiring For All The Wrong Reasons

A few weeks ago, I attended a free screening of Touching Home, which is based on the true story of these twin brothers, Noah and Logan Miller, whose alcoholic dad died in prison. The twins hail from Marin County and wrote, directed, and starred in this film. Super talented actors

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date 0
30 Apr 2010

Clean Up Dolores Park on Saturday — You'll Be There Anyway!

Hey, remember when that rumor surfaced about Dolores Park closing and you listened to all 1,000 Elliot Smith albums on repeat, felt that there was no need to take showers anymore because where would you even go to show off your freshly-scrubbed body anyway, and hid under the covers for

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
29 Apr 2010

FREE Sonic Youth and Kurt Cobain Rock-umentary Screenings

I’ve never heard of the Oakland Underground Film Festival before today, but I guess that’s kind of the point, right? With the SF International Film Festival keeping all the local movie critics busy right now, it’s easy to overlook our friends in the East Bay. But tomorrow night the Pavilion

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0