Sex and Dating
6 Places For An Afternoon Delight in San Francisco
I’m not drinking right now. I know, I must have finally fallen off my rocker, right? I’m going insane for this diet I’m on and I’m totally trying to do everything I can, but I’m still having a hard time showing off my…feathers. If you know what I’m saying. Here’s
7 Easiest Days To Get Laid In SF
There are holidays and then there are SF sanctioned holidays. They get mentions in your planner and your iCal just like Christmas, and yes, you will be getting so drunk you’ll put Arthur to shame. No matter what the occasion, we like to do it big, plentiful and more awesome
Public Barber Salon – a Beer and a Haircut
I’ve seen my future, and it’s pretty hairless. My dad…bald. My mom’s dad…bald. The great Magic 8-Ball of genetics has pretty much already foretold my destiny: Outlook Not So Good. As a result of this, I like to try new shit with my hair every so often just because I
FREE Manicure and Martini
This one comes directly from While this is probably open to anyone who just wants a mani and a ‘tini (creeping Jesus! Did I really just write “mani” and “tini”?), it’s especially targeted for those of you out there who are trying to preggers but can’t seem to do it.
Be a Better Masturbator
Ok, so let’s say you’re looking to do something cheap today but don’t feel like sitting on the hard bleachers at a $2 baseball game and don’t wanna watch movies with a bunch of people who are too cool to put brakes on their bicycles. Perhaps you just feel like learning better ways
Come out and support gay marriage
Instead of just ruining your body with booze or amping up your level of self absorption by sitting on Facebook for hours, do something that’s actually good for the world today. Come out and support the overturning of Prop 8, the insidious bill that made gay marriage illegal. The organizers are trying