
Are New Smart Devices Really Better Than Old Dumb Ones?
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. GUEST POST BY DAVID

How to Crash All the Best Dreamforce 2019 Parties For Free
Open bar and appetizers paid for by Corporate America await you as Dreamforce 2019 swallows up SoMa and downtown all this week (Nov. 19 – Nov. 22). The world’s largest software conference is also the world’s largest party-crashing opportunity, with oodles of cash-negative startups throwing insanely opulent parties all over

The Dark Fate of the Terminator Franchise
by Jonas Barnes Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely seen the trailers for the most recent film in the “Terminator” franchise, Terminator: Dark Fate. I recently went to see the movie and I loved it, personally. Me & my movie date were geeking out the whole time

Explosive Leaked Emails Reveal Stephen Miller is Bald
While it has already been reported that in the run-up to the 2016 election, leaked emails indicate that Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature, boosted racist immigration stories, and obsessed over the loss of confederate symbols – further investigation has revealed an ACTUALLY surprising detail about the White House Senior

Art Activists Change Trump Jr.’s Book Title to ‘Daddy, Please Love Me’
Sometimes art activism is the only reason I still have faith in democracy. Two comedians in NYC trolled Donald Trump Jr. in an ingenious way this week, by replacing the jackets on his new book ‘Triggered’ in an NYC Barnes and Nobles. The new title: ‘Daddy, Please Love Me: How

All About the BART McMuffin Protests
Muni may have those cornball dad-joke signs about proper backpack etiquette and standing away from the doors to facilitate ingress and egress, but it’s BART’s rules and regs that have made the news since last Friday. The saga began last Monday, when a BART police officer with the badge name

I came. I saw. I got the Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich.
After countless months of unquantifiable turmoil, incomprehensible existential dread, and a level of abandonment I have never felt before (I am a child of divorce), the Popeyes original and spicy chicken sandwich was back. “You bastards,” I whispered when I saw the Twitter post announcing the sandwich would be back