Cafe Royale

Broke-Ass History 101: Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most iconic landmarks on the planet and it’s right here in our own backyard. Come out to Café Royale this Monday, June 27, from 8:00pm – 10pm for a celebration of its history. Peter Moylan, historian, will serve as the narrator for

Tonight! Drink a Beer, Enjoy FREE Theater
Traditional theater is great, but it’s lacking in a variety of ways. Plays are expensive, and they often run really long. The audience is frequently populated with the well-to-do and the snobby, and if you get wasted, they’ll kick you out. Fortunately, thanks to FunCheapSF, I’ve learned of a solution:

Tonight! Sing "Lucy in the Sky with Drunkards"
iTunes “newcomers” The Beatles are the most overrated musicians of our time. Nevertheless, they produced a ton of well-known songs that laid the groundwork for artists to follow, so even if you’re not a huge Fab Four fan, you probably know at least a few songs from playing Rock Band. If

Straight and To The Point: 50 Really Short Plays Tonight in SF!
One thing that I hate about myself is that I always talk too much, and go on too long about things I care about. It’s consistently been a problem throughout my life — it’s what always got me sent to the principals office, what always makes that awkward moment the

Nine Pint Sized Plays for FREE!
As we’ve seen over the past few years, Cafe Royale does some pretty friggin cool events, and tonight is a perfect example. For the next three Mondays, you can catch the San Francisco Theatre Pub’s Pint Sized Plays at the afore mentioned place that does figgin cool events. What are

FREE Happy Hour Comedy Show Tonight
It’s the second Monday of the month again which means that it’s time for the Monday Happy Hour Comedy Show at Cafe Royale. Cafe Royale has been doing some pretty cool events and from what I understand, this comedy show pretty much falls into that category. I personally won’t be

Thursday Night — Tell A Story, Win Some Cash
Does the thought of speaking in front of a crowd terrify you? Do you have nightmares about that one traumatic fourth grade incident you had when you were giving a presentation about a famous historical figure (you chose Shakespeare, natch) and you were so scared that you peed a little