
Under The Red Umbrella Examines Sex Work in the Face of FOSTA-SESTA
Sex work is the world’s oldest profession, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Often shrouded in a haze of stigma, judgement, and misunderstanding, it’s history and present is often sensationalized, marginalized, or completely silent. However, in the age of FOSTA-SESTA, silence is no longer an option we can accept.

Bay Of The Living Dead: Haunters, New Doc Takes You Behind The Scenes Of Haunted Houses
Welcome to Bay Of The Living Dead, a regular column about the horror genre. The column has been on hiatus, but now it’s back. In Haunters: The Art Of The Scare, documentary filmmaker Jon Schnitzer takes audiences on a roller coaster ride through Halloween haunted house attractions that are created

We Wanna Send you to SF Docfest Opening Night Film & Beerfest
SF DocFest OPENING NIGHT FILM presented by SF IndieFest! This is going to be super fun, opening night with delicious beers, pizza, music, and a great film all going off in the Mission, SF! In 1998 there were less than 1,500 breweries in the United States – now there are

Punk, Drag, & Christian Death, A Legacy
By Jillian Roberston Drag icon RuPaul once said, “Drag is punk rock. It’s a big FU to the status quo.” Long before RuPaul’s Drag Race became a global phenomenon, a punk rock musician in Los Angeles was taking that sentiment literally. Rozz Williams, creator of 80s punk rock band Christian

Expand Your Mind: Best Documentaries on Netflix Streaming
There was a point where I would roll my eyes at the thought of watching documentaries on purpose. Why be educational when I could be entertained? However, the quality of documentary film-making has really given other Hollywood films a challenge in the last few years. Maybe your new year’s resolution

Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry Film Screenings TODAY and Thursday!
Do you like tattoos? How about Rum? How about badass old guys who do tattoos and end up having a rum named after them after they die? I thought so. Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry: A Film About The Life and Times of American Tattoo Master Norman Collins Wednesday, June 9