FREE Drinks and Snacks at Wednesday Night Photography Reception
Know what makes good photography even better? A couple FREE drinks. But you knew that already, didn’t you? Inject some culture into your post-Memorial Day weekend life (i.e. do something worthwhile to make you forget about that 19-year-old Santa Clara sophomore you made out with after losing several consecutive flip
Owl Tree — FREE Food During Weekday Happy Hour!
I don’t hang out in the Union Square area often. It’s too loud and schizo for me between the tourists, the crackheads and the street performers gyrating to Michael Jackson songs and beating the shit out of trash cans. But one bar I will brave the thousands of Street Sheet
Unload Some Crap at the Really Really Free Market on Saturday!
I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of ready to be a grown-up and clean out the walk-in closet in my apartment, the doors of which stay perpetually shut to hide the staggering amount of sheer crap I stashed in there the first day I moved in and never
Beat Someone's Ass in Foosball at Kennedy's on Thursday!
I was introduced to Kennedy’s because my sister used to work at Rainforest Cafe on Fisherman’s Wharf for a while, and after hours of serving something called “Rasta Pasta” to extremely rude and awkwardly-dressed tourists (money belt, anyone?), she would head to Kennedy’s for some late-night fun, then stumble home with
FREE EpicSauce Show on Thursday
San Francisco show listing website debuted a FREE show series a couple months ago. The semi-weekly shows take place at Milk Bar in the Haight. This Thursday’s FREE show features a great lineup: Silian Rail, By Sunlight, Ash Reiter, and Devotionals (a great band made up of Two Gallant’s
FREE Happy Hour Screening of Kick-Ass for Charity
In case you missed Kick-Ass the first time around (I did!) and you’re too eager to wait for it to hit Netflix, then you’ll have a chance to catch it in a (somewhat) proper theater for FREE tomorrow night, Thursday May 20th. The friendly people at SF in SF are
Celebrate Ritual Coffee's 5th Anniversary on Saturday!
You’ll be up at 7 a.m. for Bay to Breakers on Sunday, so you probably don’t want to party TOO hard on Saturday. Solution: head to Ritual Coffee’s 5th anniversary party! The festivities start at 2pm and end at 9pm, so it’s kind of perfect. The event is FREE and