
Jazz Isn't Just For Old, Boring People at the Fillmore Jazz Festival
Of course, this being the 4th of July holiday weekend, you know you’re about to go get pretty fucked up at least one of the days, whether you’re in the city, slutting it up in Vegas or houseboating like Gramps used to do in Shasta. That’s why it’s pretty awesome

Street Art Goes Legit During FREE Friday Night Soirée at the DeYoung
Imagine for a moment a world where Street Art is prominently displayed on the walls of a well-respected art museum. Imagine a world where trash is turned into something other than a big pile around the trash can because the trash can is full. A world where every cold, irony-shriveled

"Fuck the Fourth" Anarchist Book Sale
The last time there was an anarchist book sale in the Bay Area, the former vegan/currently pro-meat author of The Vegetarian Myth, Lierre Keith, got attacked with chili pepper-laced pies by a group of masked/hooded vegan anarchists. You can watch it here four times in a row (the audience does

Old Stuff Rules – Awesome Vintage Clothing Event
The best way to avoid that mortifying moment when you realize that, horror of horrors, some ho is wearing the exact same dress as you is actually quite simple; buy vintage! Not only will you be the envy of all your friends, if you do it right, you’ll save lots

Get Your Culture on for FREE at The Dresses/Object Project Installation This Weekend
Some art exhibits I’ll go to simply for the FREE munchies, bubbly and hit-or-miss eye candy, but The Dresses/Object Project Installation at Z Space at Theatre Artaud actually sounds like something I’d go to sober and without the promise of deviled eggs (though, excitingly, I hear there will be FREE wine

FREE Rosetta Stone Online Language Lessons with Your SF Library Card
So you’ve got that big trip to South America coming up but you haven’t really spoken anything but Drunken Taqueria Spanish since freshman year of college. Which means you know enough Spanish to navigate your way around say, San Diego, but it probably won’t do you much good in somewhere

Learn to Swing Dance for FREE in Union Square!
In general, I’m not a huge fan of dancing — naturally, I feel extremely uncomfortable when confronted with my complete lack of rhythm — but I’ll tell you what I DO like: swing dancing. I think it’s as much the idea as the actual act: the music, the fashion, the