Free Comedy Night at the Oasis
If you’re aching to get over to the East Bay (or your friends living over there are sick of your excuses for never visiting) then Sunday night, the Oasis is the place to be! There will be 3 comedians, 2 screenings, and 1 DJ and a dance party under the
FREE Admission to the NorCal Pirate Festival This Weekend
Pirates are kind of a mid-00’s joke, but when there’s FREE admission and the option to drink mead and eat giant turkey legs or dodo bird meat or whatever it is that Pirates ate (eat?) there’s really no excuse to not get excited about the opportunity to mingle with drunk
FREE BBQ During World Cup Coverage at Northstar on Saturday
I agree with Ashley — I just don’t get the fuss over The World Cup. I mean, seriously, (hypothetical) guy I’m dating, you’re going to drag me to a bar to watch a sport I’ve never seen you watch, much less talk about (except to declare in passing one time
FREE Beetlejuice Screening at Dolores Park Movie Night
The week after a short holiday week can be rough. Friday seems extra far away, Thursday feels like the weekend should be here already, and weird, unexpected shit starts to happen like a broke guy throwing a huge pub crawl. Which is why you shouldn’t get too anxious and blow
Check Out Muni Art and Story Tent This Friday!
Hey, all you Muni lovers! Actually, maybe that’s not the best way to start this off. Hey, all you FREE event, art and fun lovers! Although at choice times — like when you’re late to work and those goddamn doors won’t close — you may not be the hugest fan
FREE Family Passes to SF Attractions
Finally, a compelling reason to have children. SF Kids‘ “Check Out San Francisco” program allows San Francisco families to get FREE passes to a long list of museums, aquariums, zoos, and a bunch of other places I didn’t even know were here. Like the Haas-Lilienthal House (what surly teenager wouldn’t
Flaunt Your 'Stache at The Bearded Gentleman Book Release Party on Saturday!
I’m pretty excited to be hyping this event because it combines several of my favorite things in life: facial hair, books, FREE stuff, and hot guys. Well, I don’t really know about the last one, but I feel like if I talk about it like it’s true, it will be.